Digitise Everything Transport

A World Of Abundance

Once we digitised music and video it became so cheap it was everywhere for virtually zero cost. Then we digitised communication and it is so cheap now it is virtually free. What if we digitise energy, using wind and solar managed by digital automated software. It will be at almost zero cost. What if we digitise our food by putting supermarkets online, with robotic controls selecting our products from warehouse shelving, and delivering it to us in automated pods. The future of virtually zero cost goods and services is right in front of us.



Is there anything more ridiculous than using a 1 tonne car to transport a 300g pizza from restaurant to home? Imagine autonomous pods less than 10 kilos that will deliver to our homes everything we need. Once the purchase cost of the pod is met, the software can be replicated for zero cost, the fuel will be green energy and at zero cost, with only a fraction of the energy needed to move a 1 tonne car. Soon we will be able to order goods on our phone which will be immediately picked by automated warehouses within one mile to be delivered to us by bots in ten minutes at almost zero cost.

digitise entertainment
What is required?

  • Increase ebikes and escooters
  • Introduce autonomous taxis for car sharing instead of ownership
  • Electrifying rail and increasing light rail

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Current Orion Media Projects

Orion Media is pushing for a world where everything is digitised.

Our Project: GPS Monitoring of Personal Transport and Autonomous Pods

This project involves GPS tracking of a town’s supply of personal transport vehicles such as escooters and ebikes. They are GPS tracked and the battery level as well as current status are recorded on the map. Also the town’s supply of autonomous goods pods are tracked, including current status and battery level. The pods are available for hire via an app to transport small, medium and large items around the town autonomously. The personal electric vehicles are available for hire via an app.

Link to the dashboard for GPS tracking.

Our Local Shop

We are back in our shop on Cleveleys high street:

Orion Media, 136 Victoria Road West, Cleveleys, Lancashire, FY5 3LG (opposite Subway, between Wetherspoons and the tram tracks)


Monday – Wednesday 10 – 4

01253 467 145
07763 716 581

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